Got Soccer? We do….
Danbee is Soccer Central!!! Our most popular team sport features two soccer fields and a comprehensive teaching program that meets the needs of players at all levels. The soccer staff, headed by an experienced coach, includes skilled college soccer players.
We stress the fundamentals, the building blocks to more advanced play, through passing, shooting, trapping and dribbling clinics. Each soccer class offers kids a chance to learn a new skill and then try it out with some fun and fast paced soccer drill or game situation.
Intra-Camp Leagues allow girls to try out their soccer moves in a regularly scheduled format. Micro-Soccer Tournaments and Specialized Clinics give girls multiple opportunities to touch the ball, which help improve each camper’s skills and tactics.
Advanced players can participate in “Elite Training” clinics, which offer girls a chance to learn the finer points of the game. Whether involved in a shooting, goalie, or defensive strategy clinic girls get in shape while honing their game at a higher level. Our girls who play travel soccer at home love this option.
In addition, interested girls entering 4th grade and higher can participate in several inter-camp soccer tournaments, a great way to develop new skills in a game setting. As always, the emphasis at Danbee is on skill development and participation. Danbee soccer offers a great way to get ready for soccer play at home while practicing skills with camp friends.
Soccer is a real “Kick” at Danbee. Nothing beats our training for the world’s most popular sport.