The Danbee Spirit
“Go for it”
No phrase better captures the Danbee Spirit. One sees it everywhere — on the ball fields, in the gym, at the lake, and in the dance studio — kids enthusiastically jumping in, having fun, and learning skills. Danbee Spirit pervades all that we do.
Spirit defines who we are. It shows itself in our rich traditions that girls get caught up in. It can be found in our culture of inclusiveness and kindness. One sees it during class periods where girls demonstrate high energy in sports and other activities. Danbee Spirit lives through the special friendships that girls create each summer. Our emphasis on values not appearances, girl power, and community combine to create our unique well-rounded summer family.
Danbee Spirit is hard to describe… It is a “feeling” that one gets upon visiting. It is a loving mixture of smiles, hugs, cheers, tears, dancing, and energy that when all rolled into one spells Danbee Spirit.
“It’s a Girls World” at Danbee…
Danbee is a place where kids grow through the power of friendship and community. There is real value in simply having fun and experiencing life through varied experiences and bonding friendships.
Maybe that’s why people say, at Danbee “The Spirit is Catching.”